pondelok 16. mája 2011


Oh NO! I'm terrible blogger! I forgot on my own blog! 2 minutes ago, I was chatting on facebook and talking with one friend about her blog and in that moment... I don't know what i did... I just opened a new Internet window and wrote some adress: www.nikkisfashion.blogspot.com but it didn't look like my blog... after I wrote www.fashionbynikki.blogpost.com and it was correct... I found my own lost BLOG...  exactly I have no idea how a quite smart woman can lost her blog.. But as we can see, everything is possible... 

"Every happy ending, is just a new beggining" - This is my personal motto, but it's true about this situation, i can explain it :) 
happy ending- I found my lost blog! :)
and new begginig?- maybe I can be finally a good blogger! maybe...

So I hope everything will be like have to be and will be hava finally a normal blog- WOW that sounds imposible, but everything is possible :)) 

Tak a pre zmenu slovenčina až na druhý pokus :) Dnes som si náhodou spomenula že mám blog ktorý som nevidela dobrý mesiac(možno i viac).. Dúfam že tentokrát to dopadne lepšie ako naposledy :) Tak stratený blog sa našiel a Každý šťastný koniec, je len začiatok niečoho nového... 

Good luck to me 
Veľa šťastia Nikki

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